Twelve-tone Applications of "Apparent Poly-tonality"
Nancy Lee Harper
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Gallego, Antonio (11990) Manuel de Falla y al Amor Biujo, Madrid:Alianza Música.
Halffter, Rodolfo (n/d) "Conjunto de Series," unpublished manuscript.
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"Notas a las Superposiciones," unpublished manuscript.
(1972) "Retiro Atardacer Granadine," unpublished commentary and recording (recorded in 1983).
(n/d) "Tres Hojas de Album," unpublished analysis.
Harper, Nancy Lee (Sept. 1982) "Notes and Comments from Rodolfo Halffter," unpublished interview, Mexico City.
(May, 1983) "Notes and Comments from Rodolfo Halffter," unpublished interview, Mexico City.
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Lucas, Louis (1854) L'Acoustique Nouvelle, ou Essai d'application d'une métode philosophique aux questlons élevée de l'Acoustique, e la Musique et de la Compositlon musicale, with introdution by Théodor de Banville, 2nd. ed., Pads: edited by the author.
Mayer-Serra, Otto "Falla's Musical Nationalism" in The Musical Quarterly, XXIX/1, (January, 1943) pp.1-17.
Perle, George (1981) "Serial Composition and Atonality," 5th ed. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Shirlaw, Matthew (April, 1960) "The Science of Harmony: The Harmonic Generation of Chords," in Journal of Music Theory, vo 1. 7/1, p p. 1 - 18.
Sopeña, Federico (1988) Vida y Obra de Falla, Madrid: Turner Libros, S.A.
Velcizquez de la Cadena, Mariano (1974) Veláquez Spanish and English Dictionary, 5th ed., Piscataway, N.J.: New Century Publishers. (Portions of this paper were presented at the international congress "Manuel de Falla, hoy at Casa Velázquez in Madrid in April of 1996 in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the death of the composer.)